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Table 3 Comparing the effects of the recession across groups (Irish, EU-10, African)

From: The impact of economic recession on the health of migrant fathers over time: results from the Growing up in Ireland longitudinal study


Irish (n = 5628)


(n = 431)

African (n = 192)

Extent of the effect of the recession

 Very significant

1196 (21%)

95 (22%)

77 (40%)


2197 (39%)

128 (30%)

66 (34%)


1911 (34%)

152 (36%)

35 (18%)


324 (6%)

50 (12%)

14 (7%)

Of those who experienced at least some effect of the recession:

Father lost job/made redundant

1060 (20%)

132 (35%)

42 (24%)

Mother lost job/made redundant

594 (11%)

56 (15%)

19 (11%)

Social welfare reduced

2387 (45%)

219 (58%)

120 (67%)

Working hours reduced

1288 (23%)

131 (35%)

48 (27%)

Cannot afford or had to cut back on basics

1388 (26%)

97 (26%)

84 (47%)

Behind with rent or mortgage payments

324 (6%)

29 (8%)

30 (17%)

Behind with utility bills

459 (9%)

39 (10%)

68 (38%)