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Table 3 Alignment of stress management intervention with Kreuter’s framework for cultural appropriateness in behavioral interventions

From: Rationale and study protocol for a randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of a culturally relevant, stress management enhanced behavioral weight loss intervention on weight loss outcomes of black women

Categories for enhancing cultural appropriateness

Stress management enhancements



Racial, sex-specific, and cultural concordance

-Race- and sex-concordant interventionist; culturally concordant images in stress management materials


Race- and sex-specific statistics on topic area

-Black women report higher chronic stress than white women and tend to use coping strategies that exude strength, which may negatively impact health


Use of dominant native language of target group

-Written and verbal stress management training will be presented in English; race- and sex-concordance of interventionists will increase the likelihood of culturally consistent meaning of language


Identification of culturally relevant stressors and use of direct quotes from formative assessments in materials

- Job and race/sex-related stress: “I am mostly stressed out by my job. It is already challenging and I am the only black woman in the office”

- Financial stress: “As a single parent, it’s hard putting kids through college”


Incorporation of stress management strategies that are relevant to the values, beliefs, and culture of the targeted population, including religiosity/spirituality, racial pride, collectivism, and perception of time

-Meditation that includes elements of spirituality (prayer, scripture)

-Positive self-statements that include