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Table 1 Context patterns before educational transition (t1): latent profile analysis models for 3- to 5-latent-pattern solutions (class-invariant, diagonal Σ)

From: Stability of context in sport and exercise across educational transitions in adolescence: hello work, goodbye sport club?

Latent-pattern solution

n (%)


M (SD)

Non-club organised

M (SD)


M (SD)


M (SD)

With people you do not know

M (SD)

With family and/or partner

M (SD)

With friends

M (SD)

Competition participation

M (SD)

Sport and exercise volume

M (SD)



Sample-adjusted BIC




Three latent patterns





p < .00005


p < .00005

1. Self-organised individualists

164 (41.84%)

3.90% (1.41)

2.00% (1.05)

45.20% (3.10)

22.00% (2.86)

5.80% (2.36)

6.40% (1.64)

27.00% (3.62)

7.70% (1.01)

152.00 min/week (21.08) [2, 3]

67.50% [2, 3]


2. Non-club-organised sportspersons

50 (12.76%)

4.10% (1.41)

84.70% (1.05)

8.60% (3.10)

26.50% (2.86)

12.00% (2.36)

7.70% (1.64)

40.90% (3.62)

12.50% (1.01)

250.33 min/week (30.08) [1, 3]

82.00% [1, 3]


3. Traditional competitive club athletes with friends

178 (45.41%)

87.90% (1.41)

3.10% (1.05)

7.10% (3.10)

7.10% (2.86)

9.30% (2.36)

3.50% (1.64)

76.90% (3.62)

68.00% (1.01)

319.67 min/week (17.00) [1, 2]

51.70% [1, 2]



χ2 = 37.56, p < .00005

χ2 = 22.30, p < .00005


Four latent patterns





p < .00005


p < .00005

1. Traditional competitive club athletes with friends

179 (45.66%)

87.70% (1.38)

3.20% (1.05)

7.30% (1.34)

7.20% (1.34)

9.60% (25.69)

3.70% (23.66)

76.40% (35.78)

67.40% (32.09)

318.98 min/week (16.86) [2, 3,]

51.90% [2, 3]


2. Mostly inactives

81 (20.66%)

1.30% (1.38)

1.30% (1.05)

2.50% (1.34)

2.80% (1.34)

5.40% (25.69)

3.50% (23.66)

17.20% (35.78)

7.50% (32.09)

56.51 min/week (15.74) [1, 3, 4]

70.70% [1]


3. Non-club-organised sportspersons

51 (13.01%)

4.40% (1.38)

84.20% (1.05)

8.80% (1.34)

26.50% (1.34)

12.80% (25.69)

7.80% (23.66)

41.00% (35.78)

12.70% (32.09)

247.01 min/week (29.76) [1, 2]

82.20% [1, 4]


4. Self-organised individualists

81 (20.66%)

5.50% (1.38)

2.30% (1.05)

89.40% (1.34)

41.80% (1.34)

5.10% (25.69)

9.10% (23.66)

36.90% (35.78)

7.60% (32.09)

247.90 min/week (36.63) [2]

63.80% [3]



χ 2 = 135.21, p < .00005

χ 2 = 23.204, p < .00005


Five latent patterns





p = .0398


p < .00005

1. Mostly inactives

79 (20.15%)

0.70% (1.41)

0.30% (0.55)

2.10% (1.34)

2.50% (2.57)

3.60% (2.35)

3.10% (1.64)

16.80% (3.56)

6.00% (3.19)

46.64 min/week (13.96) [2, 3, 4, 5]

71.00% [3]


2. Non-club-organised sportspersons

35 (8.93%)

0.00% (1.41)

96.00% (0.55)

2.50% (1.34)

22.90% (2.57)

14.00% (2.35)

10.10% (1.64)

38.90% (3.56)

10.90% (3.19)

235.94 min/week (38.03) [1, 3, 4, 5]

86.30% [3, 4, 5]


3. Traditional competitive club athletes with friends

167 (42.60%)

89.80% (1.41)

0.90% (0.55)

7.50% (1.34)

6.40% (2.57)

9.30% (2.35)

3.8% (1.64)

77.20% (3.56)

69.10% (3.19)

306.04 min/week (16.86) [1, 2, 5]

53.30% [1, 2]


4. Self-organised individualists

78 (19.90%)

6.00% (1.41)

0.70% (0.55)

90.50% (1.34)

42.00% (2.57)

5.30% (2.35)

9.50% (1.64)

35.70% (3.56)

8.10% (3.19)

252.70 min/week (37.93) [1, 2]

62.60% [2]


5. Flexible sportspersons

33 (8.42%)

28.50% (1.41)

47.60% (0.55)

19.10% (1.34)

27.20% (2.57)

14.40% (2.35)

2.90% (1.64)

53.80% (3.56)

27.30% (3.19)

348.43 min/week (40.78) [1, 2, 3]

59.80% [2]



χ2 = 168.74, p < .00005

χ2 = 21.298, p < .00005

  1. Note. BIC = Bayesian information criterion; sample-adjusted BIC = sample-adjusted Bayesian information criterion; VLMR = Vuong-Lo-Mendell-Rubin likelihood ratio test; BLRT = bootstrapped likelihood-ratio test. Numbers in brackets indicate that patterns differ significantly at p < .05. aThe BLRT could only be performed without correction for nesting.