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Table 1 Description of study instrument

From: Peer-led theoretically Desinged HIV/AIDS prevention intervention among students: a case of health belief model


No. of Items (Format)

Scoring (Range)

1) Knowledge; refers to a theoretical or practical understanding of subject.

11 items

(true – false - don’t know)

‘Correct’ response = 2, ‘don’t know ‘response = 1, ‘incorrect’ response = 0 (0–22)

2) Perceived Susceptibility; refers to subjective assessment of risk of developing a health problem.

6 items / 5-point Likert Scale

(strongly disagree to strongly agree)

strongly disagree = 1, disagree = 2, no idea = 3, agree = 4, strongly agree = 5 (6–30)

3) Perceived Severity; refers to the subjective assessment of severity of a health problem and its potential consequences.

4 items / 5-point Likert Scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree)

strongly disagree = 1, disagree = 2, no idea = 3, agree = 4, strongly agree = 5 (4–20)

4) Perceived Benefits; refers to an individual’s perception of the positive aspects of health measures.

15 items / 5-point Likert Scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree)

strongly disagree = 1, disagree = 2, no idea = 3, agree = 4, strongly agree = 5 (15–75)

5) Perceived Barriers; refers to an individual’s perception of the psychological and financial costs of health measures.

19 items (yes - to some extent - no)

‘yes’ response = 1, ‘to some extent response = 2, ‘No’ response = 3


6) Perceived Self-efficacy; refers to an individual’s perception of his or her competence to successfully perform a behavior

8 items / 5 point Likert Scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree)

strongly disagree = 1, disagree = 2, no idea = 3, agree = 4, strongly agree = 5 (8–40)

7) Behavioral Intention; refers to a person’s perceived probability or “subjective probability” that he or she will engage in a given behavior.

9 items / 5-point Likert Scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree)

strongly disagree = 1, disagree = 2, no idea = 3, agree = 4, strongly agree = 5 (9–45)

8) Behavior; refers preventative behaviors associated with HIV/AIDS

8 items / 5-point Likert Scale (always to never)

Always = 5, often = 4, sometimes = 3, rarely = 2, never = 1
