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Table 2 Description of intended activities and actors of each program

From: An embedded multiple case study: using CFIR to map clinical food security screening constructs for the development of primary care practice guidelines


Intended program activity

Intended implementation actor

Program A

1. EHR FI screening once a year during patient intake

Medical Assistant

2. Refer FI patients a fresh produce truck during doctor’s visit with a voucher to receive free produce


3. Referral to local food assistance resource list during doctor’s visit


4. SNAP enrollment right after doctor’s visit

Social Worker

5. Phone call reminder to voucher recipients one to two weeks prior to the day of food distribution

Social Worker

6. Food distribution once every two months through a fresh produce truck parked outside clinic

Social Worker in collaboration with food partner

7. Evaluation by collecting food truck participation rates through voucher redemption

Social Worker

Program B

1. Screening during collection of patient vitals during routine doctor’s visit; positive screen flagged in the EHR

Nurse or Medical Assistant

2. Referral to local food assistance resource list during doctor’s visit


3. Referral to produce prescription program


4. Call FI to enroll in the produce prescription program

Program Manager

5. The Produce Prescription Program was held weekly during a two-hour window, one evening per week that included nutrition education classes

Program Manager

6. SNAP eligible patients could enroll in SNAP using an electronic tablet provided by the clinic

Program Manager

7. A weekly patient satisfaction survey distributed to patients after program participation. Questions asked about food preferences, cooking and nutrition lessons. Every fifth session clinical staff distributed a survey to measure change in FI status or improvements in dietary behavior due to program participation.

Program Manager