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Table 2 Operationalized implementation measures and data sources

From: A school-based program to prevent depressive symptoms and strengthen well-being among pre-vocational students (Happy Lessons): protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial and implementation study

Implementation measure

Operationalization of measure

Data sources


Extent to which the program was delivered as planned/trained by HL-trainers.

Classroom observations

Interviews with HL-trainers


The relevance, suitability, and usefulness of the program. This includes the fit of the program to the classroom context, perceived utility from among recipients and implementers.

Students’ evaluation survey

Interviews with HL-trainers


Degree of satisfaction of students, schools, and HL-trainers with the program.

Students’ evaluation survey

Interviews with HL-trainers

Interviews with school professionals


Extent to which HL-trainers and school professionals perceive the program to be feasible to deliver in other contexts, as well as fit of the program to the classroom setting.

Interviews with HL-trainers

Interviews with school professionals