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Table 1 Characteristics of participants (N = 48)

From: “I felt very small and embarrassed by the health care provider when I requested to be tested for syphilis”: barriers and facilitators of regular syphilis and HIV testing among female sex workers in Uganda


N (%) or Median (IQR)

Age (years)

28 (22–29)

Duration of sex work (months)

36 (24–54)

Biological children

2 (1–3)

Education level

 Primary or no formal education

15 (31.3)


25 (52.0)

 Higher education

8 (16.7)

Marital status


3 (6.3)


13 (27.1)


7 (14.6)

 Never married

25 (52.0)

Solicitation of clients


17 (31.0)


3 (5.5)


10 (18.1)


20 (36.4)


5 (9.0)

Description of sex work

 Full time, no other source of income

30 (62.5)

 Full time supplements income

10 (20.8)

 Part-time, have other sources of income

6 (12.5)

 Part-time, student

2 (4.2)