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Table 2 Health indicators measured among students enrolled in the Pacific Islands Cohort of College Students (PICCS) from 2015 to 2019, University of Guam

From: Development and evaluation of an undergraduate curriculum on non-communicable disease research in Guam: The Pacific Islands Cohort of College Students (PICCS)

Health Indicators

Years Collected

Anthropometry, acanthosis nigricans, and blood pressure

2015–2016 (body fat)

2015–2019 (height, weight)

2017–2018 (waist circumference)

2017–2019 (acanthosis nigricans)

2017, 2019 (blood pressure)

2019 (neck circumference)

Background information

2015–2019 (demographics)

2017–2019 (culture)

Food, nutrition, and physical activity

2015–2019 (fruit, vegetable, fast food, physical activity, water)

2017–2019 (food security, spicy food)

Health care

2015–2019 (health care access, personal medical history)

Mental health

2015–2019 (sleep, stress)

2017–2019 (anxiety, depression)

Occupational and environment


Oral health

2015–2016, 2019 (areca nut, tobacco, dental visit)

2015–2019 (alcohol)

2016–2019 (e-cigarettes, marijuana)

Sexually transmitted infections

2015–2019 (awareness)