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Table 6 Document information and recommendations for RTW from included grey literature

From: Determining what constitutes an effective psychosocial ‘return to work’ intervention: a systematic review and narrative synthesis




Target Population

Relevant Recommendations




Clinical Framework for the Delivery of Health Services

People on sick leave due to any work-related injury or illness

Measure and demonstrate effectiveness of treatment (e.g., track modifiable factors such as depression, use valid and reliable measures); provide education about nature of injury/illness and psychoeducation about cognitive-behavioural models of wellbeing; encourage maintenance of activity in all life domains; address unhelpful beliefs related to fear-avoidance, catastrophising, lack of acceptance, low self-efficacy, blame, and perception of injustice; facilitate self-management through techniques such as collaborative goal setting, pacing, relaxation, exposure); implement SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timed) goals focused on optimising function, participation, and RTW; use evidence-based treatments

Comcare (2012)



Working for Recovery: Suitable employment for return to work following psychological injury

People on sick leave due to work-related psychological problems

Respond early; perform a detailed assessment; clarify work capacity; identify suitable duties; identify participant strengths; promote activation at home, work, and in community; use problem solving strategies; create a RTW plan including goal setting; organise gradual RTW; address maladaptive beliefs about pain and injury; develop healthy coping strategies; increase perceived control; address relapse prevention

Comcare (2014)

CTP Insurance Regulator


SA CTP Framework for Injury Recovery and Early Intervention

People on sick leave who have experienced motor vehicle trauma

Intervene early; focus on person, not the injury; measure and demonstrate the effectiveness of treatment (e.g., outcome measures about goals or work status); address unhelpful beliefs (e.g., about pain and treatment expectancies); increase engagement in activities at home and work as soon as possible; provide education about the nature of the injury; facilitate a self-management plan; create SMART goals; use evidence-based treatment

CTP Insurance Regulator (2018)

Safe Work Australia


Taking Action: A best practice framework for the management of psychological claims in the Australian workers’ compensation sector

People on sick leave due to work-related psychological problems

Provide early intervention (within 3-months of initial sick leave); focus on worker; use collaborative care; problem solve barriers to RTW; encourage worker to pursue RTW opportunities; engage in follow-up contact with worker (face-to-face or via telephone) to discuss milestones and turning points; use plain English in documentation; assess and align worker expectations; screen for biopsychosocial risk factors (e.g., health conditions, financial stress); establish a review and evaluation process based on agreed goals; use an explicit work-focus; target and improve RTW expectancies of worker (e.g., with motivational interviewing); use complimentary contact modes of telephone and web-based delivery to prevent delays or if worker lives rurally

Safe Work Australia (2018)

Worksafe Tasmania


Managing workplace injuries in Tasmania: A handbook for primary treating medical practitioners

People on sick leave due to any work-related injury or illness

Measure and demonstrate the effectiveness of treatment (e.g., track progress); address psychosocial barriers such as unhelpful beliefs and coping strategies, financial insecurity, low motivation; optimise expectations of worker (e.g., beliefs in recovery); promote benefits of remaining active (e.g., maintaining normal activities); focus on worker strengths; provide education about injury/illness and treatment; use SMART goals focused on function and RTW; promote healthy living habits (e.g., good diet, exercise, sleep, relaxation); promote a pacing approach of graded exposure to activities; use evidence-based treatment

Worksafe Tasmania (2018)