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Table 1 Baseline Demographic Data (n = 240), Weight and Activity

From: The role of Sociodemographic factors on goal achievement in a community-based diabetes prevention program behavioral lifestyle intervention


N (%) or mean (SD)

Baseline Weight (kg), Median (IQR)

Baseline Activity (MET hr/wk), Median (IQR)


62.5 (10.2)





62 (25.8)

100.6 (92.2–118.9)

18.1 (6.0–29.4)


178 (74.2)

88.3 (78.3–100.7)

9.1 (2.9–18.2)


 Non-Hispanic white

214 (93.0)

90.8 (80.2–105.8)

12.0 (3.8–21.3)

 Non-Hispanic black

16 (7.0)

94.1 (87.5–113.5)

5.7 (0.0–17.3)


 Working full-time

91 (37.9)

100.6 (86.2–113.7)

14.0 (4.3–22.0)

 Working part-time

30 (12.5)

87.0 (77.5–93.0)

7.5 (1.5–29.4)


102 (42.5)

88.4 (77.1–100.1)

12.2 (5.3–21.4)

 Other employment status

17 (7.0)

89.8 (85.1–99.7)

7.9 (3.5–19.4)


 High school graduate or less

30 (12.5)

85.5 (73.4–90.5)

9.8 (2.3–28.0)

 Some college

78 (32.5)

91.0 (84.0–104.2)

8.0 (2.6–17.5)

 College graduate

68 (28.3)

97.0 (84.4–111.2)

11.0 (3.3–18.4)

 Graduate degree

64 (26.7)

91.8 (77.9–110.1)

17.0 (8.3–28.8)

Annual Income (by home address census tract, in US dollars)

  < 51,934

56 (23.3)

95.6 (80.0–110.2)

7.9 (3.3–17.2)

 51,934 – < 65,105

58 (24.2)

90.5 (79.5–113.0)

7.0 (1.7–18.1)

 65,105 – < 74,935.5

66 (27.5)

91.4 (82.8–99.7)

15.9 (8.5–28.8)

  ≥ 74,935.5

60 (25.0)

87.7 (78.0–110.2)

13.4 (3.5–21.3)

  1. Allegheny County, PA. USA. Study date: 2010–2019. Eligible population: overweight with prediabetes and/or metabolic syndrome. a: Not included in analysis: Asian (n = 2), Hispanic white (n = 2), Hispanic black or African American (n = 1), Hispanic other (n = 1), non-Hispanic Multi/Other (n = 4). Percentages are of sample included (n = 230 for race/ethnicity)