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Table 4 Contrasts and Significance of Differences between the Simple Slopes for Discrimination Experiences as well as for Social Support on Eating Disorder Symptoms, Grouped by Sex and Age and as Shown in Figs. 1 and 2

From: The role of weight- and appearance-related discrimination on eating disorder symptoms among adolescents and emerging adults






Age − 1 SD

Mean age

Age +  1 SD


Contrast (SE)

Contrast (SE)

Contrast (SE)

Contrast (SE)

Contrast (SE)

Weight-related discrimination on EDs

 Never vs. seldom

.09** (.017)

.04* (.019)

.07** (.019)

.06** (.013)

.05** (.017)

 Never vs. sometimes

.13** (.024)

.09** (.025)

.08** (.025)

.11** (.017)

.14** (.026)

 Never vs. often

.24** (.060)

.01 (.034)

.08 (.048)

.11** (.032)

.15** (.043)

 Never vs. very often

.20* (.097)

.03 (.062)

.05 (.069)

.10 (.055)

.16* (.085)

Appearance-related discrimination on EDs

 Never vs. seldom

.05** (.016)

03** (.011)

.02 (.015)

 Never vs. sometimes

.08** (.025)

.04** (.015)

.01 (.019)

 Never vs. often

.05 (.042)

.01 (.024)

−.03 (.028)

 Never vs. very often

.15* (.077)

.13* (.053)

.11 (.078)

Social support on EDs

 - 1 SD vs. Mean

−.01 (.014)

−.05* (.023)

 - 1 SD vs. +  1 SD

.01 (.012)

−.07** (.019)

  1. Note. EDs = Eating disorder symptoms. Age − 1 SD = 16.3 years, mean age = 20.7 years, age + 1 SD = 35.1 years. Significant results are indicated by **p < .01 and *p < .05