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Table 2 Characteristics associated with healthy behaviors (cigarette use, healthy eating, physical activity), stratified by race. Adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) are presented for the logistic model; beta coefficients (βc) and 95% CI are presented for linear models

From: Association between neighborhood social cohesion, awareness of chronic diseases, and participation in healthy behaviors in a community cohort


Cigarette use

Healthy eating

Physical activity

African Americans aOR

(95% CI)

Whites aOR

(95% CI)

African Americans βc (95% CI)

Whites βc

(95% CI)

African Americans βc (95% CI)

Whites βc

(95% CI)

Mean neighborhood social cohesion score

0.95 (0.80, 1.14)

0.76 (0.61, 0.94)

0.46 (−0.48, 1.39)

1.75 (0.53, 2.97)

0.09 (0.04, 0.15)

0.14 (0.08, 0.21)

Age (per year)

0.97 (0.95, 0.98)

0.98 (0.95, 0.99)

0.28 (0.19, 0.37)

0.15 (0.01, 0.28)

−0.07 (− 0.01, − 0.002)

−0.003 (− 0.01, 0.004)

Female sex

0.67 (0.51, 0.89)

1.24 (0.87, 1.78)

0.59 (−0.85, 2.05)

2.71 (0.62, 4.80)

−0.12 (− 0.19, − 0.04)

−0.17 (− 0.28, − 0.05)

High school graduate or above

0.62 (0.47, 0.84)

1.54 (0.37, 0.78)

2.78 (1.24, 4.32)

4.13 (1.86, 6.39)

0.07 (−0.01, 0.16)

0.16 (0.04, 0.29)

Poverty (< 125% federal poverty level)

1.53 (1.17, 2.02)

1.45 (0.99, 2.01)

−1.88 (−3.31, −0.44)

−3.44 (−5.69, − 1.18)

−0.03 (− 0.11, 0.05)

−0.17 (− 0.29, − 0.04)

Insurance status

0.82 (0.59, 1.13)

0.82 (0.52, 1.26)

1.49 (− 0.27, 3.26)

1.67 (− 1.03, 4.37)

−0.06 (− 0.16, 0.04)

−0.03 (− 0.18, 0.12)

Regular provider for healthcare

0.72 (0.52, 1.00)

0.55 (0.36, 0.85)

1.19 (0.87, 1.61)

1.99 (−0.68, 4.66)

−0.003 (− 0.10, 0.09)

0.12 (− 0.03, 0.27)

Diabetes diagnosis

0.70 (0.51, 0.98)

1.13 (0.72, 1.76)

1.37 (−0.31, 3.05)

2.14 (− 0.47, 4.74)

−0.17 (− 0.26, − 0.08)

−0.25 (− 0.39, − 0.10)

Hypertension diagnosis

1.09 (0.80, 1.49)

0.92 (0.63, 1.34)

− 0.80 (−2.44, 0.83)

−1.49 (− 3.69, 0.71)

−0.17 (− 0.26, − 0.08)

−0.26 (− 0.38, − 0.14)

eGFR (per ml/min/1.73m2)

1.00 (1.00, 1.01)

1.01 (0.99, 1.02)

0.04 (− 0.006, 0.08)

−0.02 (− 0.09, 0.05)

0.0009 (− 0.001, 0.003)

0.005 (0.001, 0.009)

uACR (per mg/g)

0.99 (0.99, 1.00)

1.00 (1.00, 1.00)

−0.0005 (− 0.004, 0.003)

−0.0005 (− 0.004, 0.003)

−6 × 10− 5 (− 0.0002, 0.00008)

−2.27 × 10− 6 (− 0.0001, 0.0001)

  1. Models are adjusted for all covariates listed
  2. eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate, UACR urine albumin:creatinine ratio