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Table 2 Secular trends analysis for group of consumer products and Google Trends topic

From: Seasonal variation in lifestyle behavior in Poland: Google searches and market sales analysis


Seasonal Mann-Kendall test

Slope [Index/year or RSV/year]

                      Group of food and drinks


   tau = −0.54; ***

     −2.45; ***


   tau = 0.05; 0.64



   tau = − 0.59; ***

     −2.20; ***

 Processed fish

   tau = − 0.49; ***

     −5.00; ***

 Ready-made meals

   tau = 0.84; ***

     13.74; ***

 Salty snacks

   tau = 0.81; ***

     6.67; ***

 Food fats

   tau = 0.34; **

     1.69; 0.045


   tau = 0.61; ***

     3.82; ***


   tau = −0.39; ***

     −1.02; 0.42


   tau = 0.70; ***

     7.26; ***

 Alcohol 30%+

   tau = 0.76; ***

     5.83; ***


   tau = −0.07; 0.48


                       Google Trends topics


   tau = −0.58; ***

     −1.93; **


   tau = 0.33; **

     1.45; 0.046

 Dietary supplements

   tau = 0.59; ***

     1.40; 0.013

 Weight loss

   tau = −0.81; ***

     −4.78; ***


   tau = −0.48; ***

     −2.42; **


   tau = − 0.58; ***

     −1.34; 0.26

  1. RSV Research Search Volume
  2. ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001