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Table 3 Exposure to rainy season months retrospectively from the first DTP vaccination to conception

From: Seasonal modulation of antibody response to diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccination in infants: a cohort study in rural Gambia

  1. Note: The blue shading highlights the rainy/hungry season in The Gambia which lasts from June to October. The dry/harvest season runs from November to May (no shading). The peaks in DTP vaccine antibody response were generally observed in September (highlighted in bold). Infants vaccinated during the rainy season (Jun − Oct) were more exposed to the rainy/hungry season from birth to vaccination (for 1–2 months) compared with infants vaccinated during the dry season (for 0–1 month). However, during foetal development, these infants were less exposed to the rainy/hungry season (2–4 months), and this either at the beginning and/or the end of pregnancy, compared with the other infants (3–5 months) who were exposed to the rainy/hungry season over the second trimester of pregnancy