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Table 1 Characteristics of the sample (N = 27)

From: The potential impacts of community drug checking within the overdose crisis: qualitative study exploring the perspective of prospective service users


Number (Percent)


n (%)



14 (51.9)


13 (48.2)


0 (0.0)

Age in yearsabcd


4 (22.2)


6 (33.3)

 45 or older

8 (44.4)

Identified as Indigenous (First Nations, Métis or Inuk)


23 (85.2)


4 (14.8)

Sexual orientationabcd

 Heterosexual or straight

14 (82.4)

 Lesbian or gay/Two-spirit/Queer/Bisexual/Other/Don’t know

3 (17.6)

Current level of educationabcd

 Some secondary education

3 (16.7)

 High school diploma or equivalency

5 (27.8)

 Apprenticeship, trades certificate or diploma, other certificate, diploma or degree

6 (33.3)


4 (22.2)

Current living situationacd


9 (33.3)

 Supportive or subsidized housing/Single room occupancy or rooming house

9 (33.3)

 Public place, or street

6 (22.2)

 Family or friend’s place, other

3 (11.1)

Primary source of incomed

 Wage or salary including from own business

4 (14.8)

 Disability benefits

16 (59.3)

 Welfare or income assistance

4 (14.8)


3 (11.1)

Personal income last yearacd

 Less than $20,000

13 (50.0)

 $20,000 to less than $40,000

7 (26.9)

 $40,000 or more

3 (11.5)

 Don’t know

3 (11.5)

Frequency of illicit substance used


19 (70.4)

 Three or more times per week

2 (7.4)

 Once or twice per week

3 (11.1)

 Occasionally (not every month) or Never

3 (11.1)

Overdose within last six monthsc


20 (76.9)


6 (23.1)

  1. aDoes not sum to 100.0% due to rounding
  2. bDemographic questions were altered- not asked of 9 participants in early interviews
  3. cDoes not sum to 27 due to missing data
  4. dSome categories were combined due to small numbers or a lack of responses, and/or to preserve anonymity