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Table 1 Sampling of participants

From: Management of chronic non-communicable diseases in Ghana: a qualitative study using the chronic care model


Sampling procedure

Recruitment Strategy/ Inclusion Criteria

Out-patient units with designated clinic days for patients with a particular CNCD

Accidental sampling

Exit strategy was used to recruit patients after receiving care

Out-patient units where several health conditions were presented including those that the study was not interested in

Purposive sampling

Exit strategy was used to recruit patients after receiving care

In-patient units/departments which had several patients

Purposive sampling

• The nurse in charge helped to identify patients with CNCDs of interest to the study using patients’ registers

• Patients who were active/stable, could communicate clearly, and not in pain/discomfort were recruited

Patients with co-morbidities


• Patients with comorbidities of interest to the study were recruited for all the CNCDs they had.

• Patients with comorbidities of interest to the study were recruited for all the CNCDs they had

Health Professionals


• Only health professionals managing CNCDs of interest to the study were recruited

• Health professionals who had worked in the respective departments/unit for at least 6 months, managing the respective CNCDs were recruited