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Table 3 Factors associated with child development scores measured at 6, 15, 24 and 36 months in Vellore cohort of MAL-ED study (N = 216)

From: Developmental trends in early childhood and their predictors from an Indian birth cohort


Adjusted beta co-efficient with 95% CI

Cognitive domaine

Language domaine

Motor domaine


0.51 (−0.76–1.77)

1.14 (− 0.07–2.35)

1.54 (− 0.09–3.16)

Mother’s cognition score

0.03 (− 0.03–0.09)

0.09 (0.03–0.15)

0.09 (0.01–0.17)

Stunted (HAZ < − 2SD)a

− 1.66 (− 3.18 - -0.14)

0.13 (− 1.41–1.66)

− 1.95 (− 3.63 - -0.26)

Underweight (WAZ < − 2SD)b

−0.54 (− 1.91–0.82)

−1.34 (− 2.80–0.13)

−2.41 (− 4.12 - -0.70)

SEP (WAMI index)c

Middle (33rd – 66th percentile)

1.08 (− 0.55–2.71)

1.39 (−0.14–2.79)

0.83 (− 0.96–2.63)

High (>66th percentile)

1.86 (0.28–3.43)

1.73 (0.22–3.24)

1.59 (− 0.35–3.52)

Body iron levels

0.18 (0.06–0.29)

0.05 (− 0.05–0.14)

0.30 (0.17–0.43)

Mean blood lead levelsd

−0.03 (− 0.13–0.07)

−0.07 (− 0.18–0.04)

−0.04 (− 0.18–0.11)

Mother’s depression scores

0 (− 0.18–0.17)

− 0.23 (− 0.41 - − 0.04)

-0.04 (−0.25–0.17)

Domain scores of HOME Inventory scale

Emotional and verbal responsivity of caregiver

0.92 (0.13–1.97)

1.0 (0.23–1.87)

1.30 (− 0.03–2.63)

Avoidance of restriction and punishment

0.68 (− 0.56–1.92)

0.21 (− 1.03–1.45)

1.91 (0.46–3.36)

Caregiver promotes child development

1.03 (−0.89–2.94)

1.09 (− 0.47–2.66)

0.68 (− 1.63–2.98)

Organization of physical and temporal environment

0.11 (−0.32–0.55)

0.39 (− 0.49–1.26)

− 0.12 (− 0.73–0.49)

Provision of appropriate play materials

0.98 (0.06–1.94)

0.39 (− 0.49–1.26)

1.38 (0.09–2.66)

Opportunities for variety in daily stimulation

−0.02 (− 0.46–0.41)

0.14 (− 0.12–0.83)

−0.40 (− 0.94–0.15)

  1. aChildren with height-for-age Z scores < − 2 SD were classified as stunted
  2. bChildren with weight-for-age Z scores < − 2 SD were classified as underweight
  3. cWAMI index was based on water and sanitation facility, household assets, mother’s education, and total income
  4. d Mean blood lead levels were obtained by taking average of lead values measured at 15, 24 and 36 months of age
  5. eDependent variables considered for analysis were cognition, language, and motor domains of BSID-III scores. Regression co-efficients were derived using generalized estimating equations and the model fitness was assessed for each domain separately using Wald statistics and P value was noted as < 0.0001