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Table 3 Classification and type of exercise prescribed across referral scheme

From: The match between what is prescribed and reasons for prescribing in exercise referral schemes: a mixed method study


Targeted area

Exercises as described on prescription card


Cardiovascular system

Walking, Cross trainer, Rower, Treadmill, Recumbent bike, Hydro, Up-Right bike, Unspecified / Exercising alone


Upper-body musculature

Arm raises, Fly, Chest press, Bicep curl, Lateral pull down, Upper back, Shoulder press, Barbell curl, Dumbbell front raise, Cable pull down, Triceps dumbbell kickbacks, Bent over row, Seated row, Lateral raises, Wall press


Trunk musculature

Torso rotation, Hip Hinge, Crunch, Donkey kicks


Legs musculature

Sit to stand, Heel taps, Weighted step ups, Hamstring curl, Lunge and lateral raise, Calf raises, Deadlift, Leg extension, Leg curl, Leg press



Unspecified circuit