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Table 1 Scenes and story line

From: Development of a theory-based HPV vaccine promotion comic book for East African adolescents in the US


Story line

Scene 1

The comic book follows an adolescent female main character (MC). Her health teacher invites a local doctor to talk about HPV and HPV vaccine to her class. The doctor tells the class that HPV is so common that almost everyone will be infected at some point – the scary part is they may never know, and it can cause cancer. The doctor urges students to get vaccinated for HPV.

Scene 2

After school ends, MC walks home with her friend who says that she got vaccinated for HPV a few weeks ago to prevent cancer. She mentions several other friends, both boys and girls, who got vaccinated. MC always disliked vaccination because she finds it painful. Her friend reminds her that it is a relatively easy pain compared to fighting cancer or even studying for their next math test.

Scene 3

When MC arrives home, she asks her mother to talk to her doctor about the HPV vaccine at their next visit because she wants to get vaccinated. After her mother and grandmother learn about the benefit of the vaccine to prevent cancer, she agrees that it is a very good idea to get vaccinated and is very proud of her daughter’s decision.