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Table 2 COVID-related worry Mean (SD), factor loadings for 12 and 6 items.

From: Worry and mental health in the Covid-19 pandemic: vulnerability factors in the general Norwegian population

Worries (1-don’t worry at all- 7-worry a lot)

Mean (SD)

Factor loadings 12-item one- factor model

Factor loadings 6-item one- factor model

*Losing someone I love

3.95 (1.63)



*Becoming seriously ill from the virus

3.29 (1.55)



*Infecting others

3.71 (1.67)



Not being able to get the medicines or treatment that I need

2.90 (1.64)



*Health system being overloaded

3.70 (1.55)



Economic recession in Norway

4.60 (1.47)



Become unemployed

2.33 (1.70)



Not be able to carry out plans that are important to me

3.54 (1.65)



*Not be able to visit people who depend on me

4.07 (1.71)



The society will become more egoistic

3.79 (1.66)



The welfare society will collapse?

3.54 (1.65)



*A new outbreak of COVID-19

4.30 (1.52)



Model fit

















  1. * The six items that comprised the one-factor model. These six COVID-related worries were included in a mean total score, and used in the further analyses