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Table 2 Behavior change techniques and HBM used to create TCC messages for ANC utilization

From: Developing targeted client communication messages to pregnant women in Bangladesh: a qualitative study

Behavior change technique [38]


HBM domain

Example text message phrase

Provide information about behavior health link (IMB)

General information about health outcomes concerning behavior

Perceived benefit

Come to our health center, and we will check you and your baby (ies’)’s health throughout your pregnancy.

Provide information on consequences (TRA, TPB, IMB, SCogT)

Information about the advantages and disadvantages of action

Perceived susceptibility and severity

High blood pressure may develop during this time and lead to a serious problem for the mother. The baby might be born early or very small.

Prompt intention formation (IMB, SCogT)

Encourage the person to decide to act


Come to our health center, and we will check your and your baby’s health throughout your pregnancy.

Provide general encouragement (SCogT)

Outcome of performance

Perceived benefits

Anemia will be treated accordingly, and you will be better prepared for delivery.

Prompt specific goal setting (CT)

Involves detailed planning of ANC visits

Cues to action

Please remember to attend your ANC visit next week. Excess blood pressure in pregnancy may cause serious problems for the mother and the baby. Come to the health centre, and we will reassess your blood pressure.

Provide instruction (SCogT)

Tell the person how to perform the desired behavior and how to prepare for it.

Cues to action

Please remember to attend your ANC visit next week. Come to our health center.

Personalization (nudge theory)

Insertion of the recipient’s name and signing with the name of the clinic as a “trusted source”


Salam (name) apa.

Name of health facility

  1. IMB Information-motivation-behavioral skills model, TRA Theory of reasoned action, TPA Theory of planned behaviour, SCogT Social –cognitive theory, CT Control Theory