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Table 2 Supportive attitude towards a non-pharmaceutical intervention strategy to control COVID-19 among respondents by subgroups

From: Association between supportive attitude and adoptive practice of control strategy against COVID-19 amosng college students in China: a cross-sectional study


Percentage of supportiveness

ARR (95%CI)

P of ARR

NNT (95%CI)


 Male vs. female

91.8% vs. 93.8%

2.0% (1.4–2.6%)

< 0.001

50 (38–71)


91.8% vs. 93.8%

2.0% (1.4–2.6%)

< 0.001

50 (38–71)

Degree course

 Undergraduate vs. postgraduate

92.4% vs. 95.2%

2.8% (2.1–3.5%)

< 0.001

35 (29–48)


93.4% vs. 95.2%

1.8% (0.5–3.0%)


57 (33–200)

Primary degree

 Medicine vs. other

93.2% vs. 92.5%

0.6% (0.1–1.2%)


157 (83–1000)


92.7% vs. 92.5%

0.2% (−0.4 to 0.8%)


540 (− 250 to 125)

Depression score

  < 16 vs. ≥16

93.8% vs. 90.5%

3.3% (2.6–3.9%)

< 0.001

30 (26–38)


94.2% vs. 90.5%

3.7% (3.0–4.4%)


27 (23–33)

Anxiety score

  < 50 vs. ≥50

92.9% vs. 72.5%

20.4% (14.2–26.6%)

< 0.001

5 (4–7)


95.8% vs. 72.5%

23.3% (16.6–30.0%)

< 0.001

4 (3–6)

Exposure history

 No vs. Yes

92.9% vs. 91.5%

1.4% (0.1–2.7%)


73 (37–1000)


95.8% vs. 91.5%

4.3% (2.8–5.8%)

< 0.001

23 (17–36)

  1. Note: Percentage of supportiveness refers to the proportion of respondents who had a supportive attitude to the NPI strategy to control the spread of COVID-19. ARR, absolute risk reduction. NNT, number needed to treat. P (two-tailed) was based on the z-ratio test. †case was adjusted by matching of the propensity score based on age, sex, degree course, primary degree, depression score, anxiety score, or exposure history