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Table 2 Frequency of likes for food and beverage related content linked to Winterlude by source

From: Exploring the extent of digital food and beverage related content associated with a family-friendly event: a case study

Number of likes

Winterlude (n = 33)

Businesses (n = 198)

Sponsored Individuals (n = 7)

Non-profit organizations (n = 40)

Individuals (n = 450)

Total (n = 728)


4 (12.1)a

7 (3.5)a,b

0 (0.0)

1 (2.5)a,b

4 (0.9)b

16 (2.2)

1–50 likes

26 (78.8)a,b

111 (56.1)a

4 (57.1)a,b

33 (82.5)b

326 (72.4)b,c

500 (68.7)

51–200 likes

3 (9.1)a

70 (35.4)b

1 (14.3)a,b

5 (12.5)a

111 (24.7)a,b

190 (26.1)

Over 200 likes

0 (0.0)

10 (5.1)a,b

2 (28.6)a

1 (2.5)a,b

9 (2.0)b

22 (3.0)

  1. Significant differences between number of likes and post source were dervied by Fisher’s Freeman-Halton test using a Monte Carlo estimation of 10,000 samples to determine the p value, < 0.0001(95%CI < 0.0001–0.0005). Letters within rows denote proportions that differ significantly according to post-hoc pairwise comparisons with Bonferroni correction. All Instagram stories (where it is not possible to “like” story content) were excluded from this analysis