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Table 1 Univariate and multivariate associations of mobility changes during lockdown (per 10% mobility change) with the basic reproduction number R t,2 during lockdown. Mobility data related to workplaces were left out from the multivariate analysis since this variable was highly correlated with mobility data related to residential places and transit stations (variance-inflation factors > 8)

From: Behavioral changes before lockdown and decreased retail and recreation mobility during lockdown contributed most to controlling COVID-19 in Western countries


Univariate estimate

Multivariate estimate

Retail and recreation

0.04 +/−  0.01

(p < 0.01)

0.07 +/−  0.02

(p < 0.008)

Grocery and pharmacy

0.01 +/−  0.02


− 0.02 +/−  0.03



0.002 +/−  0.006


−0.021 +/−  0.009

(p < 0.03)

Transit stations

0.03 +/−  0.02


− 0.06 +/−  0.03

(p = 0.096)


0.05 +/−  0.02

(p < 0.02)



− 0.11 +/−  0.04

(p < 0.009)

−0.21 +/−  0.07

(p < 0.007)


0.04 +/−  0.05


0.06 +/−  0.04