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Table 1 Basic characteristics of women using HC and their matched controls

From: Population-level indicators associated with hormonal contraception use: a register-based matched case–control study


HC users

(n = 294,445)

HC non-users

(n = 294,445)

mean (SD) / n (%) / median (IQR range)

Age, years

28.9 (8.6)

28.9 (8.6)

Civil status


211,519 (71.8)

192,488 (65.4)


65,710 (22.3)

85,535 (29.0)


16,518 (5.6)

15,241 (5.2)


698 (0.3)

1181 (0.4)

Highest education level

 Upper secondary/Post-secondary non-tertiary

142,373 (48.4)

134,095 (45.6)

 Short-cycle tertiary

8187 (2.8)

7229 (2.5)

 Bachelor’s degree

60,507 (20.5)

51,710 (17.6)

 Master’s, doctoral or equivalent

34,004 (11.6)

31,390 (10.6)

 Missing (including e.g., missing information on education other than of primary school level, school dropouts)

49,374 (16.8)

69,979 (23.8)

Socio-economic group


10,070 (3.4)

10,708 (3.6)

 Upper-level employees

37,177 (12.6)

34,823 (11.8)

 Lower-level employees

104,890 (35.6)

86,057 (29.2)

 Manual workers

45,119 (15.3)

42,264 (14.4)


56,607 (19.2)

63,946 (21.7)


3748 (1.3)

6730 (2.3)


22,358 (7.6)

28,774 (9.8)


13,626 (4.6)

16,964 (5.8)


850 (0.3)

4179 (1.4)

Income, €

19,580 (14756)

17,042 (16254)

  1. HC Hormonal Contraception