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Table 2 Characteristics of the population reporting unmet and met healthcare needs in Iran 2016

From: Socioeconomic determinants of unmet need for outpatient healthcare services in Iran: a national cross-sectional study


Unmet healthcare needs

Met healthcare needs


2217 (17.05)

10,788 (82.95)

Predisposing factors





918 (17.61)

4292 (82.39)



1299 (16.66)

6496 (83.34)




< 0.001

  Under 30

433 (14.95)

2462 (85.05)



1282 (18.13)

5786 (81.87)


  60 and above

502 (16.50)

2540 (83.50)


 Marital status:




1659 (17.06)

8061 (82.94)


  Widowed or divorced

262 (19.02)

1115 (80.98)



296 (15.51)

1612 (84.49)




< 0.001


700 (20.31)

2746 (79.69)



636 (18.96)

2717 (81.87)



336 (15.96)

1768 (84.04)


  Diploma or higher

545 (13.28)

3557 (86.72)


 Employment status:




559 (16.74)

2542 (83.26)



1658 (18.02)

8246 (81.98)


Enabling factors

 Area of residence:


< 0.001


1349 (15.50)

7349 (84.50)



868 (20.15)

3439 (79.85)


 Economic status:


< 0.001


622 (23.65)

2008 (76.35)



458 (17.73)

2125 (82.27)



438 (16.90)

2153 (83.1)



397 (15.26)

2203 (84.74)



302 (11.61)

2299 (88.39)


 Basic health insurance:




2063 (16.89)

10,150 (83.11)



154 (19.44)

638 (80.56)


 Complementary health insurance:


< 0.001


281 (11.44)

2174 (88.56)



1936 (18.35)

8614 (81.65)


Need factors

 Number of outpatient needs:


< 0.001


1451 (13.92)

8969 (86.08)


  Two or above

766 (29.63)

1819 (70.37)

  1. *p-value: Chi-square test on the difference of unmet and met needs of health care across different socio-demographic groups