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Table 1 Phases of the reflexive thematic analysis [33]

From: How can wellbeing at work and sustainable employability of gifted workers be enhanced? A qualitative study from a capability approach perspective


Description of the process

1.familiarising with data

Transcription of interviews, exporting to Atlas Ti, read en re-read

2.generating initial codes

Two researchers independently coded all transcripts. Capability set for work was used to organize data. Codes were discussed and re-checked.

3.searching for themes

Codes were collated by theme and discussed with all authors until consensus was reached.

4.reviewing themes

Check to see if codes and themes match up. Data were checked for overlap.

5.defining and naming themes

Naming of the themes and sub-themes. Check: do the themes adequately tell the overall story of the data?

6.producing the report

Final analysis, selection of compelling quotes, link to research question.