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Table 1 Incidental findings on CXR, not related to acute TB-infection

From: Tuberculosis screening during the 2015 European refugee crisis

54/705 CXR-screened individuals (8%)

Incidental findings

Of these individuals with incidental findings:

 20/54 (37%)

signs consistent with previous TB infection (calcified granuloma, pleural thickening)

 11/54 (20,4%)

skeletal abnormalities (scoliosis, untreated fractures, cervical rips)

 10/54 (18,5%)

mediastinal alterations (accentuated or enlarged shape of the heart or the upper mediastinum)

 7/54 (13%)

unspecific inflammation

 4/54 (7,4%)

structural changes of the pulmonary framework (emphysema, fibrosis)

 2/54 (3,7%)

foreign bodies

  1. CXR Chest X-ray, TB Tuberculosis