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Table 1 General characteristics of participants and convenience stores in the study

From: Association between convenience stores near schools and obesity among school-aged children in Beijing, China



Dongcheng District

Miyun District


Age, year (mean ± SD)

10.2 ± 0.33

10.2 ± 0.33

10.3 ± 0.33


Gender (%)



1107 (50.3)

633 (49.6)

474 (51.3)


1094 (49.7)

644 (50.4)

450 (48.7)

Obesity (%)



329 (14.9)

195 (15.3)

134 (14.5)


1872 (85.1)

1082 (84.7)

790 (85.5)

Family type (%)

< 0.001c

 with only one child

1595 (73.2)

1014 (80.2)

581 (63.6)

 with more than one child

584 (26.8)

251 (19.8)

333 (36.4)

Father’s Obesity (%)

< 0.001c


381 (17.7)

192 (15.3)

189 (21.1)


1767 (82.3)

1060 (84.7)

707 (78.9)

Mother’s Obesity (%)

< 0.001c


149 (6.9)

59 (4.7)

90 (10.0)


2002 (93.1)

1190 (95.3)

812 (90.0)

Father’s Education (%)

< 0.001c

 Primary school or below

59 (2.7)

13 (1.0)

46 (5.1)

 Junior high school

338 (15.7)

72 (5.8)

266 (29.7)

 High school or Technical secondary school

461 (21.5)

159 (12.7)

302 (33.7)

 Junior college or Vocational college

400 (18.6)

253 (20.2)

147 (16.4)

University degree or above

891 (41.5)

755 (60.3)

136 (15.2)

Mother’s Education (%)

< 0.001c

 Primary school or below

74 (3.4)

23 (1.8)

51 (5.7)

 Junior high school

376 (17.5)

81 (6.5)

295 (32.8)

 High school or Technical secondary school

435 (20.2)

166 (13.3)

269 (29.9)

 Junior college or Vocational college

423 (19.7)

279 (22.3)

144 (16.0)

 University degree or above

843 (39.2)

702 (56.1)

141 (15.7)

Number of convenience stores within 800 m network buffer near school






 Interquartile range

(14, 43)

(15, 38)

(3, 45)


(1, 67)

(5, 67)

(1, 57)

  1. a P value for differences in general characteristics between Dongcheng district and Miyun district
  2. b Difference was tested using t test
  3. c Difference was tested using chi-square test
  4. d Difference was tested using Wilcoxon signed-rank test