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Table 2 Process flow for the FPD and Social Franchise HTS

From: Social franchising of community-based HIV counselling and testing services to increase HIV testing and linkage to care in Tshwane, South Africa: study protocol for a non-randomised implementation trial




Social franchise

1. Counsellor Recruitment and contracting


1. Employed by FPD

2. Normal employment contract

3. Normal payroll contract

4. Work for 8 h a day

1. Unemployed, self-employed or employed elsewhere, not employed by FPD

2. Contracted by franchisee-franchisor contract

3. No restriction on hours, days worked

4. Test >/= 100 people per month

5. Test>/5 HIV + tests per month

6. Link >/= 4 HIV + clients per month


1. Fixed monthly salary

1. Paid $3.20 per HIV test

2. Paid $8 per HIV + client linked



Training focussed on:

1. Pre-test, test, post-test, documentation, referral and linkage to care

Training focussed on:

1. Pre-test, test, post-test, documentation, referral and linkage to care

2. business development & management

2. Mobilisation

Community level mobilisation

Community events; flyers; campaigns (e.g. couples counselling); conducting systematic door-to-door mobilization campaigns distributing flyers, and condoms

Community events; flyers; campaigns (e.g. couples counselling); conducting systematic door-to-door mobilization campaigns distributing flyers, and condoms

Individual level mobilisation

Informing households on the benefits and availability of testing for HIV; scheduling household level testing appointments and/or actively recruiting clients for same day HTS

Informing households on the benefits and availability of testing for HIV; scheduling household level testing appointments and/or actively recruiting clients for same day HTS

3. Documentation

Questionnaire and database

Questionnaire interview on:

1. Personal Data

2. Demographic characteristics

3. HIV testing history

4. HIV test results

5. HIV prevention and risk

6. TB/STI screening

7. Referral

8. Linkage to care

9. (bi) monthly, quarterly, annual reports

Questionnaire interview on:

1. Demographic characteristics

2. HIV testing history

3. HIV test results

4. TB/STI screening

5. HIV prevention and risk

6. TB/STI screening

7. Referral

8. Linkage to care

9. (bi) monthly, quarterly, annual reports


Paid per normal payroll

Monthly payment claims to franchisor

4. Basic package of services


1. Information and education

2. Screening

3. Condom education and distribution

1. Information and education

2. Screening

3. Condom education and distribution


1. Informed written consent

2. HIV testing using national algorithm

1. Informed written consent

2. HIV testing using national algorithm


1. tailor-made counselling based on test result(s) and life situation

2. referral for psychosocial support

3. referral for HIV treatment and care

4. development of tailored linkage plans and timelines looking at individual barriers and concerns

5. if negative: risk reduction counselling, appropriate HIV prevention services

1. tailor-made counselling based on test result(s) and life situation

2. referral for psychosocial support

3. referral for HIV treatment and care

4. development of tailored linkage plans and timelines looking at individual barriers and concerns

5. if negative: risk reduction counselling, appropriate HIV prevention services

5. Follow up

Referral to HIV care and treatment

Discuss referral health facility

Discuss referral health facility

Linkage and service update

Actively follow up to verify and document linkage to care

Actively follow up to verify and document linkage to care