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Table 1 Characteristics of study population in Quito, Ecuador, 2016–2017 (n = 842)

From: Knowledge, attitudes and practices on influenza vaccination during pregnancy in Quito, Ecuador


n (%)



363 (43.1%)


260 (30.9%)


123 (14.6%)

  ≥ 36

96 (11.4)



27 (3.4%)


723 (85.8%)


54 (6.4%)


30 (3.5%)


8 (0.9%)


 Complete higher education or graduate degree

83 (9.9%)

 Complete high school or incomplete higher education

407 (48.3%)

 Complete basic education or incomplete high school

222 (26.4%)

 Illiterate or incomplete basic education

130 (15.4%%)

Marital status


288 (34.2%)

 Cohabited with a partner

376 (44.7%)

 Separated / Widowed / Divorced - Never Married or Unmarried

178 (21.1%)


 Public or private employee

175 (20.8%)

 Independent worker

172 (20.4%)


372 (44.2%)


119 (14.1%)


4 (0.5%)

Number of children (prior to this pregnancy)


295 (35.0%)


459 (54.5%)


88 (10.5%)

Number of antenatal visits


11 (1.3%)

 1 to 4

150 (17.8%)

  ≥ 5

681 (80.9%)

Gestational age at birth

 24–36 weeks

122 (14.5%)

 37–42 weeks

720 (85.5%)

High-risk conditions


775 (92.0%)


67 (8.0%)

Received influenza vaccination (self-reported)a


308 (36.6%)

 Confirmed with vaccination card

206 (66.9%)


534 (63.4%)

Received influenza vaccination (vaccination card/medical records)b


206 (24.5%)


636 (75.5%)

  1. aVaccination reported by the women used for analysis
  2. bVaccination confirmed by vaccination card/medical records