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Table 1 Search terms used in the electronic search

From: Self-management in face-to-face peer support for adults with type 2 diabetes living in low- or middle-income countries: a systematic review


Search words

Population: Adults patients with T2DM

(“diabetes mellitus*” or “type 2 diabet*” or “type 2 diabet*” or diabetic or niddm or “non-insulin dependent diabet*” or iddm or “insulin dependent diabet*” or t2d or “t2 dm”)

Intervention: Peer support intervention

(“lay worker*” or “lay health worker*” or volunteer* or coach* or “patient* navigator*” or “community health worker*” or “health advisor*” or promotora* or “outreach worker*” or “health representative*” or “lay health educator*” or peer*)


(interven* or educat* or counsel* or support*)

Comparison: Standard care

usual care

Outcome: Improved self-management

(“self manag*” or “health behav*” or hba1c or weight* or “blood pressure” or “health litera*” or “self-care*” or “self caring” or “self effic*”)