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Table 2 Multilevel mixed effects estimates for SF36 general health component

From: A multilevel mixed effects analysis of informal carers health in Australia: the role of community participation, social support and trust at small area level

Variables (no. of observations = 12,767 and no. of SA1s = 5004)

Model 1: Coeff (95% CI)

Model 2: Coeff (95% CI)

Model 3: Coeff (95% CI)

Model 4: Coeff (95% CI)

Model 5: Coeff (95% CI)

Model 6: Coeff (95% CI)

Model 7: Coeff (95% CI)

Variance (Individual-level random effects)

381.874***(370.388, 393.716)

376.868*** (365.081, 389.037)

363.916*** (352.640, 375.552)

340.609*** (330.159, 351.389)

335.010*** (324.729, 345.634)

281.753*** (273.349, 290.414)

281.744*** (273.339, 290.408)

Variance (SA1 level random effect)

51.784***(42.917, 62.483)

54.451***(44.969, 65.931)

43.959*** (35.467, 54.483)

31.729*** (24.525, 41.048)

32.350*** (25.171, 41.577)

13.973*** (9.359, 20.863)

13.960*** (9.346, 20.852)

Variance (Carer random slope)


67.163** (32.154, 140.29)

54.575** (23.572126.355)

36.886* (12.601, 107.967)

33.125* (10.240, 107.160)

37.124** (14.716, 93.652)

37.268** (14.7694, 94.042)

Covariance (Carer and SA1)



(−38.073, 3.324)



−5.045*** (−6.387, −3.704)

− 5.336 *** (−6.773, − 3.899)

−5.504*** (−6.88, −4.125)

−4.302*** (− 5.614, −2.992)

−4.264*** (− 5.555, − 2.973)

− 1.135* (− 2.459, 0.189)

−2.565 (− 14.750, 9.621)

Civic engagement, political participation and breadth of participation


0.071 (− 0.242, 0.385)

−0.098 (− 0.398, 0.202)

−0.302** (− 0.602, − 0.003)

−.002 (− 0.279, 0.276)

0.009 (− 0.279, 0 .297)

Informal social connectedness


3.913*** (3.622, 4.205)

1.034*** (0.706, 1.362)

0.628*** (0.297, 0.959)

0.545*** (0.239, 0.851)

0.547*** (0.230, 0.865)

Personal social exclusion


−3.447*** (− 3.671, − 3.224)

− 2.894*** (− 3.130, − 2.657)

− 1.988*** (− 2.205, − 1.771)

− 1.995*** (− 2.221, − 1.769)

Personal social cohesion


3.059*** (2.774, 3.343)

2.599*** (2.308, 2.890)

1.972*** (1.706, 2.237)

2.009***(1.732, 2.286)



1.753*** (1.442, 2.063)

2.416*** (2.125, 2.708)

2.348*** (2.045, 2.651)



−1.170*** (− 1.401, −0.940)

− 1.421*** (− 1.632, − 1.211)

−1.409*** (− 1.629, − 1.191)

Carer # Civic engagement, political participation and breadth of participation


− 0.181 (−1.177, 0.815)

Carer # Informal social connectedness


0.467 (−0.637, 1.570)

Carer # Personal social exclusion


−1.886*** (−2.647, − 1.125)

Carer # Personal social cohesion


1.601*** (0 .680, 2.523)

Carer # Trust


3.207*** (2.197, 4.217)

Carer # Distrust


−1.589*** (−2.335, −0.843)

  1. Notes. All the p-values have been replaced by stars and categorised as follows. ***: p < 0.01; **: p < 0.05; *: p < 0.10; However, confidence intervals use the usual 95% confidence level. Model 1: Null model with SA1 random effects and carer status at individual level; Model 2: Model 1 added with carer random slopes at SA1 level; Model 3: Model 2 added with community participation at individual level; Model 4: Model 3 added with personal social connection at individual level; Model 5: Model 4 added with trust at individual level; Model 6: Model 5 added with other individual level confounders; Model 7: Model 6 with community and social connection interactions with Carer