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Table 4 Crude and adjusted odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) for low negative attitudes compared with high negative attitudes in Swedish managers (N = 2663 of which 1762 were men and 901 were women): results of binary logistic regression analyses, 2018

From: Gender differences in managers’ attitudes towards employees with depression: a cross-sectional study in Sweden



Negative attitudes towards depression

Unadjusted OR (95% CI)

Model 1: OR (95% CI)a

Model 2: OR (95% CI)b

Model 3: OR (95% CI)c

Model 4: OR (95% CI)d

Model 5: OR (95% CI)e












2.31 (1.84–2.91)

2.15 (1.71–2.71)

1.81 (1.42–2.31)

1.70 (1.32–2.17)

1.66 (1.29–2.12)

1.64 (1.28–2.10)

  1. aAdjusted for level of education (age removed)
  2. bAdjusted for level of education, sector and distribution of women and men among the staff
  3. cAdjusted for level of education, sector, distribution of women and men among the staff, current workplace experience in management and managerial position (lifetime experience in management removed)
  4. dAdjusted for level of education, sector, distribution of women and men among the staff, current workplace experience in management, managerial position and presence of staff members at current workplace who have had depression and/or anxiety disorders
  5. eAdjusted for age, level of education, sector, distribution of women and men among the staff, current workplace experience in management, lifetime experience in management, managerial position and presence of staff members at current workplace who have had depression and/or anxiety disorders