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Table 2 Intervention effectiveness and the reported use of theoretical foundation, BCT, social context and EMI/JITAI in the included reviews

From: Key facets to build up eHealth and mHealth interventions to enhance physical activity, sedentary behavior and nutrition in healthy subjects – an umbrella review


Type of review

Intervention duration

Included study designs

Theoretical foundation


Social context


Böhm et al. 2019 [47]

Systematic review

1–12 months

4 RCTs, 1 RC cross over, 2 before-and-after trials

Total number of theory-based studies NA

4/7 (57%) social cognitive theory

3/7 (43%) additional BCTs

7/7 (100%) recruited in schools with interventions in and outside the school setting

Combining school-based interventions with family or community involvement for social support is potentially effective


Buckingham et al. 2019 [53]

Systematic review

1–12 months

10 RCTs, 10 prospective cohort studies, 1 combination of methods mentioned above, 3 cluster-RCT, 1 parallel group uncontrolled randomized trial, 1 prospective cluster trial with an asynchronous control group

15/25 (60%) based on a named behavior change theory and/or principles of behavioral economics

2/25 (8%) studies alluded to BCTs or theory in their discussion

8/25 (32%) neither theory nor BCT

Most frequent BCTs:

Self-monitoring of the behavior or outcome (n = 22, 88% of studies)

provision of feedback on the behavior or outcome (n = 21, 84%)

goal setting for the behavior or outcome (n = 17, 68%)

social comparison (n = 14, 56%)

social support (n = 12, 48%)

25/25 (100%) public and private sector workplace setting

No associations were found between type of workplace and impact on PA


Direito et al. 2017 [52]

Systematic review and meta-analysis

Median = 9 weeks

21 RTCs


Total BCTs: M = 5.4/93 BCTs (SD = 2.6, range 0 to 12)

More BCTs were employed with intervention groups (M = 6.9, SD = 2.6, range 2 to 12) than with comparator groups (M = 3.1, SD = 2.2, range 0 to 10)

Most frequent BCTs:

81% goal setting (behavior

74% self-monitoring of behavior

65% social support (unspecified)

55% feedback on behavior

55% instruction on how to perform the behavior

48% adding objects to the environment

45% information about health consequences

45% prompts/cues



Prompts and cues common BCT

Ferrer et al. 2017 [51]

Systematic review

3–12 weeks

5 RCTs, 2 single group designs, 1 within-subject crossover

4/8 (50%) theory-based interventions

1/8 (13%) theory of planned behavior

1/8 (13%) social cognitive theory

2/8 (25%) not specified

8/8 (100%) interventions used behavior modification strategies including goal setting, self-monitoring, prompts, and social support

8/8 (100%) social-media interventions (facebook)

7/8 (88%) of the Facebook interventions ↑ some type of PA behavior change (i.e., interactions, main effects for time, differences between conditions)

2/8 (25%) ↑ for the treatment group compared to the control group.


Hamel et al. 2011 [56]

Systematic review

2 weeks - 2 years

7 RCTs, 5 quasi-experimental, 1 repeated measures, 1 pretest-posttest control group design

9/14 (64%) theory-based interventions

Social cognitive theory most frequent

Other theories:

Theory of reasoned action

transtheoretical model

health belief model

theory of planned behavior

attitude, social influence, and self-efficacy model

4/14 (29%) having more than one theory


9/14 (64%) school-based

3/14 (21%) home-based

1/14 (7%) camp- and home-based

1/14 (7%) scout troop and home-based

3/14 (21%) of these included parental involvement

School-based interventions were more effective than e.g. home-based interventions and parental support might be important


McIntosh et al. 2017 [50]

Systematic review

6 weeks - 4 months

6 RCTs, 3 before and after quasi-experimental designs 1 cluster-RCT

9/10 (90%) theory-based interventions

5/10 (50%) social cognitive theory

2/10 (20%) theory of planned behavior

1/10 (10%) transtheoretical model

1/10 (10%) SMART goals


10/10 (100%) students attending school, college or university

Effect of social context not analyzed


Muellemann et al. 2018 [49]

Systematic review

1–24 months

18 RCTs,

2 quasi-experimental design

16/20 (80%) theory-based interventions

most common:

9/20 (45%) social cognitive theory

8/20 (40%) transtheoretical model

7/20 (35%) self-determination theory

7/20 (35%) i-change model




Nour et al. 2016 [54]

Systematic review and meta-analysis

one-off contact - 6 months

14 RCTs

6/14 (43%) theory- or education-based interventions

5/14 (36%) transtheoretical model

2/14 (14%) social cognitive theory

2/14 (14%) theory of planned behavior and the theory of habit formation

7/14 (50%) applied self-efficacy in their intervention


no group intervention

11/14 (79%) university setting

2/14 (14%) N.A.

1/14 (7%) home based

Effect of social context not analyzed


Rocha et al. 2019 [55]


one-time session - 24 weeks

14 RCTs, 3 cluster-RCTs, 2 non-randomized studies


1 to 7 BCTs used20/40 BCT categories identified

Most common:68% provide instruction on how to perform the behavior

47% Provide feedback on performance

26% goal setting on behavior

8/19 (42%) school setting

6/19 (32%) community-based

2/19 (11%) workplace-based

1/19 (5%) clinic-based (prevention)

1/19 (5%) online-based

1/19 (5%) supermarket-based

Effect of social context not analyzed


15/19 (79%) tailored interventions

4/19 (21%) were nontailored interventions

Schoeppe et al. 2016 [57]

Systematic review

1–24 weeks

19 RCTs, 4 pre-post studies, 3 controlled trials, 1 randomized trial

15/27 (56%) theory-based interventions

4/27 (15%) transtheoretical model

4/27 (15%) social cognitive theory

3/27 (11%) self-determination theory

2/27 (7%) theory of planned behavior

1/27 (4%) control systems

1/27 (4%) theory of self-regulation

1/27 (4%) behavior change wheel


6/27 (22%) social support

3/6 interaction with peers

4/6 friendly team challenges

Effect of social context not analyzed


Stephenson et al. 2017 [48]

Systematic review and meta-analysis

5 days - 24 months

17 RCTs


1 to 15 BCTs used

20/93 BCTs categories identified

most common:

88% instruction on how to perform a behavior

71% social support (unspecified)

65% prompts and cues

65% adding objects to the environment

10/17 (59%) workplace setting

5/17 (29%) Community/home setting

2/17 (12%) workplace and community/home setting

Effect of social context not analyzed


Prompts and cues common BCT

  1. Abbreviations: BCT behavior change technique, CI confidence interval, HE healthy eating, EMI ecological momentary intervention, FVI fruit and vegetable intake, g Hedges’ g, I2 percentage of variation across studies that is due to heterogeneity rather than chance, JITAI just-in-time adaptive intervention, M mean, NA not available PA physical activity, RCT randomized control trial, SB sedentary behavior, SMD standardized mean difference, ↑ significant higher value (p < 0.05), Ø no significant difference, ↓ significant lower value