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Table 5 Households facing catastrophic costs

From: Households experiencing catastrophic costs due to tuberculosis in Uganda: magnitude and cost drivers


Expenditure quintiles a



Less Poor


Less Wealthy



(N = 219)

(N = 229)

(N = 218)

(N = 274)

(N = 215)

(N = 1155)

Households experiencing total (direct and indirect) costs above (%) - Human capital Approach


178 (81.4%)

162 (70.8%)

168 (77.2%)

214 (78.2%)

145 (67.5%)

868 (75.2%)


157 (71.7%)

133 (58.4%)

141 (64.8%)

171 (62.4%)

118 (54.9%)

721 (62.4%)


143 (65.4%)

106 (46.6%)

112 (51.3%)

152 (55.5%)

100 (46.4%)

613 (53.1%)


119 (54.2%)

90 (39.4%)

98 (44.8%)

130 (47.4%)

86 (39.8%)

522 (45.2%)


103 (47%)

76 (33.2%)

84 (38.7%)

117 (42.8%)

68 (31.7%)

449 (38.9%)

Number of households experiencing direct medical and non-medical costs above (%) annual household expenditure


123 (56.1%)

106 (46.2%)

115 (52.9%)

140 (51.2%)

83 (38.6%)

567 (49.1%)


107 (48.9%)

86 (37.5%)

95 (43.4%)

117 (42.6%)

61 (28.5%)

465 (40.3%)


89 (40.7%)

69 (30.4%)

81 (37.2%)

95 (34.8%)

48 (22.2%)

383 (33.1%)


82 (37.3%)

53 (23%)

72 (32.8%)

79 (28.9%)

40 (18.6%)

325 (28.1%)


74 (33.9%)

46 (20.2%)

64 (29.4%)

67 (24.4%)

29 (13.3%)

280 (24.2%)

Number of households experiencing direct medical costs above (%) annual household expenditure


18 (8%)

22 (9.6%)

14 (6.4%)

11 (4%)

7 (3.1%)

71 (6.1%)


11 (5%)

12 (5.4%)

10 (4.3%)

9 (3.3%)

3 (1.4%)

45 (3.9%)


9 (3.8%)

12 (5.4%)

6 (2.5%)

7 (2.6%)

1 (0.5%)

35 (3%)


8 (3.4%)

11 (4.8%)

5 (2.3%)

6 (2.2%)

1 (0.5%)

30 (2.7%)


8 (3.4%)

11 (4.8%)

5 (2.3%)

5 (1.7%)

1 (0.5%)

29 (2.5%)

  1. a12 people excluded due to zero consumption data