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Table 5 Outcomes, Exposure, Mediators, and Control Variables

From: Preventing sexual violence in college men: a randomized-controlled trial of GlobalConsent


Title of Scale (source) [# items]

Example Item

Study Wave(s)


 Sexual violence (SV) perpetration

Sexual Experiences Survey [111] [48]

I watched someone while they were undressing, were nude, or were having sex, when they did not agree to it.


 Bystander attitudes

Barriers to Bystander Behavior [112] [14]

If I think a woman made choices that increased her risk, I would not intervene to reduce her risk for sexual violence.


 Intention to intervene

Readiness to Intervene [113] [8]

I don’t believe sexual violence is a big problem on campus.


 Bystander self-efficacy

Bystander Efficacy scale [114] [11]

Express your discomfort if a guy makes a joke about a woman’s body. [Very/somewhat/not at all confident]


 Bystander behavior

Bystander Intervention Behavior [112] [17]

I have asked a woman if she needed help when I noticed she was being harassed by a guy.



 Treatment vs. attention control


Single-blinded, random assignment to theory-based, 6-session web program to prevent SV in college men (yes/no)


Cognitive, Attitudinal, Affective Mediators

 Knowledge of sexual violence

Legal Knowledge Scale [115] [22]

Taking a sexual photo or video of someone without consent [Illegal/legal but harmful/not sexual violence]


 Knowledge of sexual coercion

Sexual Coercion in Intimate Relationships scale [116]


Asking your dating partner repeatedly to perform a sexual act after they have said that they do not want to [is/is not coercive].


 Attitudes about sexual consent

Sexual Consent scale [117] [21]

A person can express non-consent for sex at any time during sexual contact.


 Restrictive attitudes about gender

Gender Equitable Men scale [118] and study team [15]

A woman should obey her husband even when she disagrees with him.


 Endorsement of rape myths

Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance scale [119] & College Date Rape Attitudes and Behaviors Scale [120] [28]

In the majority of rapes, the victim is promiscuous or has a bad reputation.


 Sexual communication

Developed by study team [16]

If a woman kisses me, that means she wants to have sex with me.


 Rape empathy

Rape Empathy Scale [121] [15]

During a trial, I empathize more with the feelings of the rapist than of the victim


 Alcohol knowledge

Developed by study team [15]

Alcohol increases the likelihood of acting aggressively toward other people [true/false]





Age, university, major, living situation, religion, ethnicity, relationship status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual identity


 Child maltreatment

Child maltreatment measure validated in Vietnam [122] [27]

physical abuse (6 items), emotional abuse (7 items), sexual abuse (8 items), physical neglect (3 items), emotional neglect (4 items)


 Online exposure to explicit sexual content

Pew Foundation’s social media survey [123] and Kids Online (128) survey module [24]

Times in prior 6 mo you have seen images, video of a woman performing a sex act in which she was choked, hit, humiliated, or forced?
