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Table 1 Distribution of salaried women from early, middle, and late working life cohorts (WLCs) (N = 7404) across sickness absence trajectories (> 15 accumulated days on sickness absence per quarter) by employment conditions, occupational category, diagnosis groups, and the prior 10-year labour market participation patterns. Catalonia, 2012–2014

From: Sickness absence trajectories following labour market participation patterns: a cohort study in Catalonia (Spain), 2012–2014


Early WLC (N = 2670)

Middle WLC (N = 2739)

Late WLC (N = 1995)


Low stable (87.4%)

High stable (6.7%)

Increasing (5.9%)


Low stable (85.3%)

Decreasing (9.4%)

Increasing (5.3%)


Low stable (85.4%)

Decreasing (5.0%)

Increasing (9.6%)


N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

Type of contract

 Permanent contract

1852 (79.4)

128 (71.5)

125 (79.1)


1935 (82.8)

207 (80.5)

108 (74.0)


1484 (87.0)

85 (85.9)

168 (88.0)


 Temporary contract

481 (20.6)

51 (28.5)

33 (20.9)

401 (17.2)

50 (19.5)

38 (26.0)

221 (13.0)

14 (14.1)

23 (12.0)

Working time


1526 (65.4)

114 (63.7)

101 (63.9)


1528 (65.4)

160 (62.2)

98 (67.1)


1274 (74.7)

72 (72.8)

145 (76.0)


 Part-time: > 50% up to 99%

602 (25.8)

49 (27.4)

43 (27.2)

568 (24.3)

66 (25.7)

32 (21.9)

251 (14.7)

14 (14.1)

23 (12.0)

   ≤ 50%

205 (8.8)

16 (8.9)

14 (8.9)

240 (10.3)

31 (12.1)

16 (11.0)

180 (10.6)

13 (13.1)

23 (12.0)

Occupational category

 Skilled non-manual

562 (24.5)

42 (23.8)

31 (20.0)


521 (22.7)

58 (23.3)

42 (28.7)


291 (17.5)

15 (15.5)

28 (15.1)


 Skilled manual

327 (14.2)

34 (19.2)

25 (16.1)

351 (15.3)

36 (14.5)

23 (15.8)

285 (17.2)

18 (18.6)

31 (16.8)

 Unskilled non-manual

1248 (54.2)

85 (48.0)

90 (58.1)

1172 (51.1)

127 (51.0)

62 (42.5)

765 (46.0)

41 (42.2)

94 (50.8)

 Unskilled manual

164 (7.1)

16 (9.0)

9 (5.8)

250 (10.9)

28 (11.2)

19 (13.0)

321 (19.3)

23 (23.7)

32 (17.3)

Income in quartiles


794 (34.1)

50 (27.9)

54 (34.1)


733 (31.3)

69 (27.0)

40 (27.4)


475 (27.9)

26 (26.2)

43 (22.5)



721 (30.9)

51 (28.6)

50 (31.7)

705 (30.2)

78 (30.4)

55 (37.7)

555 (32.6)

28 (28.3)

67 (35.1)


532 (22.8)

57 (31.8)

36 (22.8)

569 (24.4)

69 (27.0)

39 (26.7)

423 (24.8)

28 (28.3)

54 (28.3)


284 (12.2)

21 (11.7)

18 (11.4)

328 (14.1)

40 (15.6)

12 (8.2)

251 (14.7)

17 (17.2)

27 (14.1)

Diagnosis group (ICD-10)


252 (11.8)

32 (18.8)

36 (24.5)


294 (14.9)

52 (22.3)

35 (28.0)


235 (16.8)

15 (20.0)

36 (21.1)



83 (3.9)

5 (2.9)

3 (2.0)

131 (6.6)

12 (5.2)

3 (2.4)

99 (7.0)

3 (4.0)

10 (5.8)


925 (43.3)

44 (25.7)

47 (32.0)

638 (32.4)

68 (29.2)

40 (32.0)

459 (32.6)

28 (37.3)

65 (38.0)


327 (15.3)

39 (22.8)

30 (20.4)

195 (9.9)

28 (12.0)

13 (10.4)

 Injuries and poisoning

173 (8.1)

14 (8.2)

8 (5.4)

209 (10.6)

27 (11.6)

13 (10.4)

211 (15.0)

17 (22.7)

32 (18.7)


377 (17.6)

37 (21.6)

23 (15.7)

505 (25.6)

46 (19.7)

21 (16.8)

403 (28.6)

12 (16.0)

28 (16.4)

Labour market participation patterns

 Stable employment

1789 (76.7)

143 (79.9)

121 (76.6)


1706 (73.0)

186 (72.4)

114 (78.1)


1214 (71.2)

66 (66.7)

130 (68.1)


 Increasing employment

347 (14.9)

25 (14.0)

25 (15.8)

310 (13.3)

37 (14.4)

15 (10.3)

186 (10.9)

12 (12.1)

28 (14.7)

 Without long-term coverage (early and late)/Fluctuant employment (middle)

197 (8.4)

11 (6.2)

12 (7.6)

320 (13.7)

34 (13.2)

17 (11.6)

127 (7.5)

8 (8.1)

15 (7.9)

 N/A (early and middle)/Decreasing employment (late)







178 (10.4)

13 (13.1)

18 (9.4)


2333 (100)

179 (100)

158 (100)


2336 (100)

257 (100)

146 (100)


1705 (100)

99 (100)

191 (100)

  1. Missing values in the occupational category (OC), income (I), and diagnosis group (DG): N (%) in the early cohort (low stable—OC: 32 (1.37); I: 2 (0.09); DG: 1 (0.04); increasing—OC: 3 (1.90); high stable—OC: 2 (1.12)); middle cohort (low stable—OC: 42 (1.80); I: 1 (0.04); DG: 5 (0.21); decreasing—OC: 8 (3.11); I: 1 (0.39)); and late cohort (low stable—OC: 43 (2.52); I: 1 (0.06); DG: 1 (0.06); decreasing—OC: 2 (2.02); increasing—OC: 6 (3.14)) by sickness absence trajectory in the period 2012–2014. Income in quartiles based on the average monthly income in the early cohort (high: 5063€; middle-high: 1940€; middle-low: 1337€; low: 886€), middle cohort (high: 5315€; middle-high: 2127€; middle-low: 1403€; low: 893€), and late cohort (high: 5577€; middle-high: 2151€; middle-low: 1386€; low: 856€). aChi-squared tests. bFisher’s exact tests.