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Table 2 Knowledge and community perspectives toward tuberculosis among study participants

From: Tuberculosis-related stigma among adults presenting for HIV testing in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa



N = 848

TB knowledge, N (%)

 Awareness of causea

335 (40)

 Awareness of transmissionb

713 (84)

Community perspectives toward TB, N (%)

 If a member of your family got TB, would you want it to remain a secret or not?

  Yes, remain a secret or confidential

22 (3)


809 (96)

  Don’t know

11 (1)

 Would you be willing to work with someone who has been previously treated for TB?


756 (89)


89 (11)

 Which statement is closest to your feeling about people with TB disease

  I feel sorry for them but I would like to help them.

610 (72)

  I feel sorry for them but I tend to stay away from these people.

214 (25)

  It is their problem and I cannot get TB.

7 (< 1)

  I fear them because they may infect me.

16 (2)

  I have no particular feeling.

1 (< 1)

 In your community how is a person with TB usually regarded/treated?

  Most people reject him or her.

391 (47)

  Most people are friendly but they generally try to avoid him or her.

370 (44)

  The community mostly supports him or her.

74 (9)

  1. aCorrectly identified the cause of TB as microbes, germs, or bacteria
  2. bCorrectly identified that TB is transmitted through the air
  3. Abbreviation: TB tuberculosis