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Table 1 Logical formulas for risk factor definitions

From: Improved ascertainment of modes of HIV transmission in Ukraine indicates importance of drug injecting and homosexual risk


heterosexual exposure (regardless of having homosexual exposure)a OR having one or more partners of the opposite sexa OR self-reporting being infected through heterosexual exposure

High-risk heterosexual

having heterosexual exposure (defined above) AND [having had a sexual partner who injects drugsa OR having had heterosexual contact with an HIV-positive persona OR giving or receiving money or drugs for sexa OR [having had a sexual partner who was bisexuala AND being female]]

Injecting drug use

injecting illicit drugs at least oncea OR self-reporting injecting drug use as the most likely mode of HIV transmission


being male AND [having sexual contact with men at the present time OR having one or more male sexual partnersa OR having a sexual partner of the same sexa OR having homosexual contact with an HIV-positive persona OR self-reporting homosexual exposure as the most likely mode of HIV transmission]


having had blood or blood product transfusiona OR having had organ or tissue transplantationa OR having had in vitro fertilizationa OR self-reporting being infected through medical procedures

Skin penetration

reporting intentional skin penetration (tattoo, scarring, or other practices)a OR having been exposed to another person’s blood through damaged skin or mucosaa OR reporting being infected in an occupational or non-occupational accident with skin penetration

Sexually transmitted infections

self-report on having HBV OR gonorrhea OR syphilis OR genital herpes OR proctitis OR other STI at any time before finding out about HIV-positive status

Exposure to HCV

positive test for anti-HCV antibodies

Exposure to HBV

positive test for HBsAg OR positive test for AntiHBc antibody

  1. aduring 10 years before finding out about HIV-positive status