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Table 2 Knowledge on cardiovascular disease prevention

From: Cardiovascular disease prevention knowledge and associated factors among adults in Mukono and Buikwe districts in Uganda

Knowledge statement (n = 4372)

Yes (%)

No (%)

Don’t know (%)

Someone can have hypertension without any symptoms

2110 (48.3)

902 (20.6)

1360 (31.1)

High salt consumption can increase your risk of developing hypertension

2752 (62.9)

414 (9.5)

1206 (27.6)

Foods high in calories such as chips, sugary drinks, cakes are good for the heart.

444 (10.2)

2981 (68.2)

947 (21.7)

Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables increases your risk of cardiovascular disease.

445 (10.2)

2892 (66.1)

1035 (23.7)

Sitting for a long time puts you at risk for high blood pressure

2719 (62.2)

487 (11.1)

1166 (26.7)

In order to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, moderate physical activity of at least 30 min is recommended every week.

3325 (76.1)

155 (3.6)

892 (20.4)

Overall knowledge [mean score (SD)]

3.1 (±1.43)


Low (score less than 5)

3596 (82.2)


High (score 5 and above)

776 (17.7)
