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Table 2 Association of parenthood and cohabitation with changes in physical activity (Likert scale ranging between − 4 and 4) between 30 and 34 years (n = 3833 for becoming a parent and n = 1137 for starting cohabitation)

From: Cohabiting and becoming a parent: associations with changes in physical activity in the 1970 British cohort study




β (95% CI)

β (95% CI)

Becoming a parenta

−0.234 (−0.396 to − 0.072)

0.126 (− 0.048 to 0.301)

Starting cohabitationb

0.043 (− 0.240 to 0.326)

−0.012 (− 0.375 to 0.349)

  1. Note. aOnly included those who become a first-time parent between 30 and 34 years vs. non-parents (Male: n = 2139; Female: n = 1694). bOnly included those who first started cohabitation between 30 and 34 years vs. never cohabiting (Male: n = 686; Female: n = 451). Models were adjusted for level of education achieved, ethnicity, country of origin, end of cohabitation, month of data collection at baseline and follow-up, other life events (e.g. start cohabiting for the association between becoming a parent and physical activity) and previous life events (first starting cohabitation and have a child before 30y). CI Confidence interval. Reference group is individuals who have never experienced that transition