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Table 3 HIV-related stigma subscale scores among PLWH in Florida (N = 603)

From: The relationship between individual characteristics and HIV-related stigma in adults living with HIV: medical monitoring project, Florida, 2015–2016

HIV- related Stigma Subscale

Median Scores

Higher Stigmab

Lower Stigmac

Overalla (n = 580)


299 (49%)

281 (51%)

Negative Self-Image (n = 592)


208 (34%)

387 (66%)

Personalized (n = 595)


306 (50%)

286 (50%)

Anticipated (n = 595)


324 (53%)

271 (47%)

  1. aOverall stigma and HIV-related stigma subscales did not represent all 603 participants due to missing data
  2. bParticipants who scored above the median
  3. cParticipants who scored below the median