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Table 2 Individual characteristics among persons living with HIV in 2015 and 2016 (N = 603)

From: The relationship between individual characteristics and HIV-related stigma in adults living with HIV: medical monitoring project, Florida, 2015–2016


N (weighted %)a

Disability Status

 Persons with disability

295 (48%)

 Persons without disability

307 (51%)



216 (30%)


387 (70%)



310 (49%)


272 (47%)


20 (4%)



130 (21%)

Sexual Orientation


186 (33%)


373 (59%)



Age (years)


38 (8%)


358 (55%)


207 (37%)


 Less than high school

136 (21%)

 High school diploma or equivalent

159 (26%)

 Greater than High school

308 (53%)


 Above Poverty Level

275 (50%)

 At or below poverty Level

285 (43%)

Country of Birth

 Non-foreign Born

468 (79%)

 Foreign Born

128 (20%)

Non-injection Drug User


146 (27%)


452 (72%)

Alcohol Misusec


99 (19%)


496 (79%)


 No anxiety

465 (77%)

 Mild-Moderate Anxiety

91 (15%)

 Severe Anxiety

41 (6%)


 No Depression

484 (81%)

 Mild-Moderate Depression

32 (5%)

 Severe Depression

87 (14%)

  1. aPercentages may not add up to 100% due to non-response
  2. bIncludes Asian, Alaskan Native, Native American, and Pacific Islander
  3. cDefined as heavy drinking (binge drinking on 5 or more days in the past month) or binge drinking (i.e., five or more alcoholic drinks for males or four or more alcoholic drinks for females on the same occasion at least one day in the past month)