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Table 1 Fear and logistic barriers of attending clinic supporting quotes

From: Reaching hard-to-reach men through home-based couple HIV testing among pregnant women and their male partners in western Kenya: a qualitative study

“It [home testing] is not bad because sometime somebody is afraid of going to the hospital so you can find them at home and help them early” (concordant positive female, participant couple 17).

“There are some people who are afraid of going to the hospital, it is easier when you come to my doorstep unlike the hospital, because they do not incur any expenses like transport” (discordant negative female, participant couple 18).

“Okay, it [home testing] is still fair according to me, it is also good for those who find it difficult to go to the hospital, so when they come to know about it, they can have a change of mind [then test]” (discordant negative male, participant couple 1)