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Table 2 Multivariable regression analysis of child development determinants in rural South Africa and Tanzania*

From: Psychosocial and environmental determinants of child cognitive development in rural south africa and tanzania: findings from the mal-ed cohort


Full Scale IQ

SD* [95% CI]

Verbal IQ

SD* [95% CI]

Performance IQ

SD* [95% CI]

Environmental Factors

 Organization of the Environment

3.08*[0.65, 5.52]

1.79*[0.32, 3.27]

1.29 [-0.06, 2.65]

 Provision of Play Material

-0.66 [-3.01, 1.20]

0.76 [-0.66, 2.19]

-1.42*[-2.73, -0.11]

 Opportunities for Stimulation

3.18*[0.59, 5.76]

1.42 [-0.15, 2.99]

1.76*[0.32, 3.20]

 Cleanliness of the Child

1.20 [-1.77, 4.18]

0.42 [-1.38, 2.22]

0.78 [-0.87, 2.44]

 Socioeconomic Status

14.27*[1.96, 26.59]

4.24 [-3.22, 11.71]

10.03*[3.17, 16.89]

Maternal Factors

 Responsivity of the Caregiver

-1.92 [-4.66, 0.81]

-1.18 [-2.83, 0.48]

-0.74 [-2.27, 0.78]

 Avoidance of Punishment

1.58 [-1.38, 4.55]

0.42 [-1.38, 0.48]

1.17 [-0.48, 2.82]

 Promotion of Child Development

-1.89 [-4.71, 0.93]

-0.81 [-2.51, 0.48]

1.09 [-2.66, 0.49]

 Depressive Symptoms 1,6, 12 mo.

-0.31 [-3.03, 2.40]

0.72 [-0.93, 2.37]

-1.03 [-2.54, 0.48]

 Depressive Symptoms 24, 36 mo.

1.40 [-1.26, 4.06]

1.53 [-0.09, 3.14]

-0.13 [-1.61, 1.35]

 Depressive Symptoms 60 mo.

-1.27 [-4.33, 1.79]

-0.79 [-2.65, 1.06]

-0.47 [-2.18, 1.23]

 Maternal Education > 7/10years

0.87 [-1.74, 3.49]

0.76 [-0.83, 2.34]

0.11 [-1.34, 1.57]

  1. * Estimates in the tables above are adjusted for site, birthweight, field assessors, and all other variables in the table.
  2. * SD: WPPSI Score Difference
  3. * P-value < 0.05