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Table 1 Organisation of the initial (pre-assessment) AUQ

From: The drivers of antibiotic use and misuse: the development and investigation of a theory driven community measure



Instrument Items



Data relating to the characteristics of a participant.

12 items

‘Are you trained in a health-related field?’

‘How often have you used antibiotics within the past month?’

Social Desirability

A participant’s tendency to respond in a way they deem more socially acceptable, than their ‘true’ response.

6 items

‘I have never deliberately said something that hurt someone’s feelings’

‘There have been times when I was quite jealous of the good fortune of others’

TpB Construct

Attitude and Beliefs

The degree to which a participant has a positive or negative evaluation of indiscriminate antibiotic use.

13 items

‘It is my right to ask for an antibiotic from my doctor’

‘I trust my doctor when they tell me I do not require antibiotics’

Subjective Norm

A participant’s belief about whether significant others would approve or disapprove of indiscriminate antibiotic use.

4 items

‘My friends and family only use antibiotics when prescribed’

‘Most people I know keep leftover antibiotics’

Perceived Behavioural Control

A participants beliefs regarding the ease or difficulty in assessing antibiotics.

5 items

‘I would change doctors if my doctor did not prescribe antibiotics when I wanted them’

‘I feel confident to ask for antibiotics when I need them’

‘I could easily get antibiotics online’


A participants understanding and awareness regarding indiscriminate antibiotic use and AMR.

10 items

‘Antibiotics will reduce my cold symptoms’

‘Antibiotics are less likely to work in the future’

‘The same antibiotic will work in the treatment of the same infection in the future’


Self-reported antibiotic use behaviour.

10 items

‘I obtain antibiotics without a prescription’

‘I would take antibiotics without consulting a doctor’

‘I use leftover or unused antibiotics or scripts’

  1. *Added as a construct to the TpB model for the purposes of this study