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Table 2 Intervention Mapping stages 1–4 based on Bartholomew et al. [19]

From: Supporting carers of stroke survivors to reduce carer burden: development of the Preparing is Caring intervention using Intervention Mapping

1) Needs assessment (Logic model of the problem)

• Understanding the problem and the factors that influence the problem to create a logic model of the problem.

• Establishing the overall programme goal.

2) Developing programme outcomes and performance objectives (Logic model of change)

• Considering what needs to be achieved to reach the overall programme goal and developing a logic model of change. This involves:

 ○ Stating the behavioural and environmental outcomes of the intervention.

 ○ Specifying the performance objectives to reach the outcomes

 ○ Selecting appropriate theoretical determinants for the matrices of change

 ○ Developing matrices of change

3) Selecting theoretical methods and practical applications (Programme design)

• Focusing on how the goals, outcomes and objectives can be achieved by:

 ○ Generating programme ideas.

 ○ Selecting theoretical methods

 ○ Selecting appropriate practical applications

4) Creating an organised programme plan (Programme production)

• Drawing ideas together to create detailed plans for a coherent intervention including a programme, scope and sequence document and design documents.