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Table 1 Individual Level Social Capital Indexes

From: A retrospective assessment of metropolitan religious adherence rate, individual and neighborhood social capital and their impact on women’s health

1. Social Support and Trust index

 Do you have someone you could trust to look after your child if you are away?

 Do you have someone who would loan you $200?

 Do you have someone who would provide you a place to live?

 Do you have someone who would provide you with emergency childcare?

 Do you have someone who would co-sign for a bank loan ($1000)?

 Do you have someone you could share confidence with?

2. Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion

What level of agreement do you have with the following statements?

  You are willing to help a fellow neighbor.

  The neighborhood is viewed as a close-knit community

  People in this neighborhood generally get along with each other.

  People in this neighborhood general share the same values.

  Gangs are a problem in the neighborhood (reverse coded)

3. Perceived Neighborhood Social Control

 Mothers were asked about the likelihood of neighbors to intervene if children are

  Skipping school

  Spray painting a building

  Showing disrespect to an adult

  Likelihood of a neighbor intervening to diffuse a fight

  Willingness to intervene to save a local firehouse