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Table 3 Adapted Intervention Materials

From: Adaptation of a brief smoke-free homes intervention for American Indian and Alaska Native families




Applicable Changes

General Materials

Covers (n = 2)

Folders that double as envelopes for mailing 1. Depicting images of AI/AN individuals and families, with themes of nature and “Respect our Past, Protect Our Future,” respectively.

Theme change from “Some things are better outside” to “Respect our Past, Protect Our Future”; No use of humor in messaging; Images of AI/AN people, Language change to emphasize familialism and intergenerationalism; Imagery of nature, scenery familiar to specific tribes; Use medicine wheel imagery and colors; Respect-focused language.

Envelopes (n = 5)

Envelopes used for mailings 2 and 3, which depict different nature scenes, including the plains, mountains, great lakes, pine forests, and deciduous forests, respectively.

Imagery of nature, scenery familiar to specific tribes. Removal of humor messaging.

Mailing 1

5-Step Guide

A guide that outlines the five steps to creating a smoke-free home.

No use of humor in messaging; Removal of dog images; Images of AI/AN people; Language change to emphasize familialism and intergenerationalism; Use medicine wheel imagery and colors.



No use of humor in messaging; Use medicine wheel imagery and colors.

Window Cling

A window cling that states “This is a smoke-free home”

Use medicine wheel imagery and colors.

Traditional Tobacco Insert

An insert that addresses the difference between commercial tobacco and traditional tobacco.

Use medicine wheel imagery and colors; Creation of Traditional Tobacco insert.

Mailing 2

Challenges & Solutions Factsheet

A factsheet that addresses multiple challenges individuals seeking to make their home smoke-free might face, as well as solutions to overcome those challenges.

Images of AI/AN people; Use medicine wheel imagery and colors; Addition of solutions for cold weather as a barrier.


Comic-style story of a family who works to make their home smoke free to improve a child’s health.

Images of AI/AN people; inclusion of a father figure.

E-Cigarette Insert

An insert that addresses the health impacts of using e-cigarettes.

Use medicine wheel imagery and colors.

Mailing 3

Smoke-Free Homes Newsletter

A newsletter containing stories of individuals, couples, and families who made their homes smoke-free, as well as why and how.

Images of AI/AN people; Language change to emphasize familialism and intergenerationalism; Respect-focused language.



No use of humor in messaging; Use medicine wheel imagery and colors.

Window Cling

A window cling that states “This is a smoke-free home.”

Use medicine wheel imagery and colors.

Thirdhand Smoke Insert

An inset that addresses the health impacts of thirdhand smoke.

No changes.

Cigar Insert

An insert that addresses the health impacts of using cigar, little cigars, or cigarillos.

No changes.